class VMF

Equivalent to a single .VMF file, holds all categories and all sub-categories


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__() Initialize self.
add_entities(*args) Adds entities to the entity list
add_section(section) Adds temporary categories to the VMF, used when reading .VMF files, you shouldn’t need to use this
add_solids(*args) Adds solids to the world
add_to_visgroup(name, *args) Adds the given elements to a visgroup, if it doesn’t exist one is created
blank_vmf() Generates necessary categories (overwriting existing), use new_vmf() to generate the VMF itself
export(filename) Exports the VMF to a .VMF file
get_all_from_visgroup(name) Gets everything from the visgroup
get_entities([include_hidden, …]) Gets all the entities
get_group_center(group[, geo]) Gets a vertex based on the average center of all the solids
get_solids([include_hidden, …]) Gets all the solids
get_solids_and_entities([include_hidden]) Gets all the solids and entities
mark_vertex(vertex, size, dev, visgroup) Quickly adds a solid cube at the given vertex, useful for debugging
sort_by_attribute(category_list, attr) Sorts the list based on one of their attributes

